better menopause cards

Perimenopause and menopause can be such a challenging time. We can often feel alone in our struggle and at total odds with our bodies. The better menopause cards have been designed by me from my own menopause journey to inform, support and even inspire you throughout this challenging time. If you learn just one thing from my cards that helps you to feel and cope a little bit better, then my cards will have fulfilled their purpose.

The better menopause are a generous A6 size. There are 50 thick cards, laminated on both sides for great durability.

Stand them up, frame them, stick them up or carry them with you and read through them whenever you need a little pick up.

Go ahead and give yourself or someone you care about this thoughful and helpful gift.

Lots of helpful content

Learn about:

♥ Common and less common menopause symptoms

♥ Different female hormones and their role within our bodies

♥ How hormone imbalance may manifest

♥ Tips for coping with symptoms

♥ Ways to look after your emotional wellbeing

♥ Inspiring quotes and affirmations

♥ Fascinating UK menopause statistics and much more

All are delivered in a bite-sized format, allowing you to choose what you would like to try and learn more about.

Look after your emotional wellbeing

You can’t pour from an empty cup!

Looking after your mental health during perimenopause and menopause is so very important.

It is often the stage in our lives where, as well as struggling with challenging menopause symptoms, we are still looking after our children, as well as caring for older relatives. It’s so easy to forget about ourselves until we are exhausted and struggling to cope.

Better menopause cards come with small manageable tip to look after yourself, so that you can be there for the people you care most about in your life.


Lots of different topics to explore

The beauty of these cards over a book is that you can just dip in and out and pick up lots of helpful snippets.  The cards are intended to inform you of all the things that are great to know to help you feel better. They have come from my own personal research and experimenting to help myself cope during my menopause transition.

Just flick through them whilst you have a cup of tea or whenever you can have a little bit of time to yourself. They are no bigger than a paperback book, so easy to pop into your handbag too.

Great quality cards with stunning original photography

A pack of better menopause cards contain 50 A6-sized cards, 300gsm in weight and laminated on both sides for extra durability.

These cards are a pleasure to look at and handle.

Original photography, predominantly nature style, will leave you feeling calm and relaxed.


A pack of 50 A6-sized menopause support cards with beautiful photography and useful and informative content to help women entering, or in the early stages of, perimenopause.

This is such an impactful stage in a woman’s life, where with the help of the better menopause cards you will be better able to navigate the many challenges you may experience.

Topics covered include:

♥ Common and lesser-known symptoms of perimenopause

♥ Hormone fact files

♥ Menopause statistics for women in the UK

♥ Symptom management

♥ Tips, tricks and tools that worked for other women during this time of transition

♥ Ways to support your emotional and physical wellbeing

The cards will come to you beautifully wrapped in tissue paper inside an attractive kraft flip-top box.

Ready to make a great gift for yourself or someone you care about!

The better menopause support cards are beautiful to look at and great to display.

Choose one ever day or week and stick it on your fridge or on your desk or wherever you can see if often.

These cards can empower you and women in your circle by giving them the knowledge to better support themselves, get the support they need, learn from the experiences of other women, and know that it is important to take time out for and nurture your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Women need to know that they are not alone in this!

Give yourself the gift of a better menopause

Feel well, be well and do well! The menopause doesn’t have to be something you battle through. We only live one, so give yourself the best chance to make the most of this stage in your life!

Give the gift of a better menopause to someone you care about

Give a truly personal gift that shows how much you care and how well you know the person you’re buying for. Show them that you care and understand their challenges. Let them know how much it matters to you that they do well.


A deck of 50 A6-sized

better menopause cards

You don’t have to suffer through the perimenopause, you can learn about different ways to take control and take action!

These cards are full of helpful information from symptoms of hormone imbalance, to coping with the many symptoms of the menopause. Take a look at various UK statistics and see just how many other women are struggling, taking HRT, having symptoms like you … know that you are not alone this!

Find helpful tips from practical things to ways to look after your emotional wellbeing.

Even if you just find one thing in these cards that can make you or someone you care about feel better, isn’t it worth it?